International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Analysis
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P-ISSN: 2788-9246, E-ISSN: 2788-9254
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2023, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part B

Compare absorbance value of medicated glycerin prepared by Berberis vulgaris- Q and Alfalfa- Q with qualitative assessment by UV- visible spectrophotometer

Author(s): Sadhu Shreyansh, Chakraborthy GS, Pramanick Monimala, Bhadoria Suraj Singh, Desai Poorav, Bhatt Tejas Kumar and Reddy Santosh

Abstract: Background: Through this research, work prepared homoeopathic medicated glycerol with Berberis vulgaris- Q and Alfalfa- Q in the drug and vehicle ratio (1:9) with qualitative assessment done by UV- Visible spectrophotometer. Methodology: Homoeopathic medicated glycerine was prepared by the mixing Berberis vulgaris and Alfalfa- Q in a definite proportion of drug and vehicle as (1:9) separately. The samples were divide into three groups as Standard group, Main group and control group. Results: The absorbance value of Alphalpha in Glycerine is 0.884 at 411.00 nm and absorbance value of Berberis vulgaris in glycerine is 0.891 at 473.00 nm, Alfalfa Q is 0.996 at 673.00 nm, Berberis vulgaris Q is 0.997 at 529.00 nm Conclusion: Prepared glycerine from standard Berberis vulgaris- Q and Alfalfa- Q separately gives better results analysed by UV- visible spectrophotometer.

DOI: 10.22271/27889246.2023.v3.i1b.56

Pages: 119-122 | Views: 719 | Downloads: 282

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Analysis
How to cite this article:
Sadhu Shreyansh, Chakraborthy GS, Pramanick Monimala, Bhadoria Suraj Singh, Desai Poorav, Bhatt Tejas Kumar, Reddy Santosh. Compare absorbance value of medicated glycerin prepared by Berberis vulgaris- Q and Alfalfa- Q with qualitative assessment by UV- visible spectrophotometer. Int J Pharm Sci Drug Anal 2023;3(1):119-122. DOI: 10.22271/27889246.2023.v3.i1b.56
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Analysis
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